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Direct Mail Statistics for 2014 | Key Insights and Trends – Compu-Mail

Statistics demonstrating why direct mail is a profitable part of integrated marketing.

With the rise of email and social media, many leap to declare print and direct mail “dead.” But don’t let them fool you!

These 25 Direct Marketing Statistics prove that direct mail is still alive and well, and is above all a profitable and worthy component of your integrated marketing strategy.


  1. Direct mail continues to be used heavily, with a 43% share of total local retail advertising.
  2. Young adults, 24 years and younger, are among the most direct mail responsive.
  3. 92% of young shoppers say they prefer direct mail for making purchasing decisions.
  4. An International Communications Research survey found that 73% of consumers actually prefer mail over other advertising methods.
  5. 59% of U.S. respondents and 65% of Canadian respondents agreed with the following statement, “I enjoy getting postal mail from brands about new products.”
  6. 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of marketing.

The Bottom Line

People love to get mail! That’s right, tangible mail in their mailboxes. Even younger generations, those constantly seen on social media and email sites, like and prefer classic direct mail. Give the people what they want, and receive the benefits of this popular medium.


  1. 70% of Americans say mail is more personal than the internet.
  2. A survey of over 1,000 large businesses, across 10 different vertical industries, found that more than 60% of respondents’ campaigns were personalized or segmented.
  3. Personalized print media has a more powerful presence than a personalized email, because the audience can recognize that it takes more effort to customize print media than digital.

The Bottom Line

Get personal! By customizing your print advertisements, your customers will connect with you on a personal basis, creating a close customer-business relationship. (Need help personalizing your print marketing? We can help)

Direct Marketing and Digital Integration

  1. Nowadays, QR codes and NFC technology make it possible for your print media to directly connect customers to your website.
  2. 76% of small businesses say their ideal marketing strategy encompasses a combination of both print and digital communication.

The Bottom Line

Integrate! By using new technology such as Quick Response (QR) codes and Near-Field Communication (NFC), you are able to connect your direct mail to the internet, allowing you to maximize the benefits of both direct and digital marketing in one sweep. (Bonus: 7 Surefire Techniques for Successfully Combining Your Print Marketing and Social Media Campaigns)

Response Rates

  1. 40% of consumers try new businesses after receiving direct mail.
  2. Some marketers, such as retailers, are seeing dramatically higher response to their direct mail than in the 1980s.
  3. U.S. advertisers spend $167 per person on direct mail to earn $2,095 worth of goods sold; a 1,300% return.
  4. DMA states that on average, direct mail advertising gives a business a 13 to 1 return on investment.

The Bottom Line

Direct mail pays off! Printing and mailing may seem a more costly form of marketing compared to new email and social media techniques, but the Return on Investment (ROI) of this tried and true strategy is impossible to ignore.

Head of Household

  1. 90% determine which mail is kept for review.
  2. 81% review financial documents.
  3. 84% are the principal grocery shoppers.
  4. The study also found that mail is placed where it’s seen and used and that it moves from room to room, allowing consumers to read it at their convenience.

The Bottom Line

Mail reaches decision makers! Its tangible nature allows the head of the household to view it, and, if desired, to then pass it on to the rest of the house where it can be viewed by more people and decision-makers.

Mail Time

  1. 98% of consumers bring in their mail the day it’s delivered.
  2. Of these, 72% bring it in as soon as possible.
  3. 77% sort through their mail immediately.
  4. Consumers spend an average of 30 minutes reading their mail on any given occasion.
  5. They spend 45 minutes with magazines, 30 minutes with catalogs and 25 minutes with direct mail.
  6. 48% of people retain direct mail for future reference.

The Bottom Line

Mail Time is an important time! People enjoy going to the mailbox and reading their mail. By using direct mail marketing as a part of your marketing campaign, you are almost guaranteeing that your message will be read, and read quickly. (Bonus: Maximize Value with These Effective Direct Mail Techniques)undefined


Research curated by Brenna Donovan, Compu-Mail

Brenna Donovan was an intern at Compu-Mail.



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