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Direct Mail Statistics for 2016: 25 Insights on Omnichannel Campaigns

Data lovers, rejoice! We've pulled together a new list of direct mail stats that show why direct mail is an integral part of omnichannel campaigns.

Data lovers, rejoice! We’ve pulled together a new list of direct mail stats indicating what makes direct mail such an integral part of your omnichannel campaign.

Millennials Love It

  1. 36% of people under 30 look forward to checking the mail each day.
  2. At least 42% of millennials prefer direct mail political ads over online ads, with 38% favoring both equally.
  3. 66% are more likely to remember to use a voucher if they have a physical copy to carry around.
  4. 23% bought or ordered something as a result of receiving direct mail in the last 12 months.
  5. Millennials who live at home are 18% more likely than the general population to welcome direct mail and 32% more likely to find it memorable.

The Bottom Line

Millennials will have a cumulative $1.4 trillion in spending power by 2020. If you’re not marketing to them with direct mail, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity and large percent of the population.

Women Have the Purchasing Power

  1. 91% of mail is picked up by the same person each day; 80% of them are women.
  2. 80% of those picking up mail (men and women alike) are the primary grocery shoppers.
  3. Women make more than 80% of all purchasing decisions.
  4. Women make more than 85% of all household purchases.
  5. 22% of women shop online at least once a day.

The Bottom Line

Design your mail with women in mind, because they will have the most interaction with it once it hits the mailbox.

It’s Easily Integrated

  1. 44% of marketers using three of more channels for their marketing efforts.
  2. Retailers have seen a $21 million dollar difference in online sales per million site visitors between those who had received a catalog at their home address and those that had not.
  3. For those same retailers, that translated to 163% lift.
  4. Bobonos customers who received a catalog spend 1.5 times more than new shoppers who didn’t receive a catalog first.
  5. Boden customers spend up to 15 to 20 minutes with their catalog, vs. an average of 8 seconds for an email and 5 minutes with their iPad app.
  6. 10.6 million catalogs were mailed in 2015.
  7. 2.5 billion coupons were redeemed in 2015.
  8. 51% prefer companies to use a combination of mail and email when communicating with them.

The Bottom Line

62% of people are always addressable (meaning they own and use at least three web-connected devices, go online multiple times per day, and go online from multiple physical locations). Putting a physical mail piece in front of your customers gives them a chance to collect more information and pushes them toward your website on any one of those devices.

People Notice (And Act On) It

  1. 92% of shoppers say they prefer direct mail for making purchasing decisions.
  2. 70% are curious to find out what’s in their mailbox.
  3. 74% always or sometimes notice advertising in direct mail.
  4. 42 percent of recipients read or scan mail pieces.
  5. Direct mail household response rate is at 3.7% (compared to .2% mobile, .1% email, .1% social media, and .02% internet display).
  6. Direct mail median household ROI is at a median of 18-20%.
  7. At 5.0%, oversized postcards have the greatest response rate over other mediums (followed by postcards at 4.25% and dimensional mailings at 4.0%).

The Bottom Line

Direct mail cuts through the clutter, offering the opportunity to put your advertising piece right in your customer’s hand.


2015 Gallup Poll

USPS, “Political Mail and Millennials”

MarketReachUK, “The Seven Life Stages of Mail”

2015 DMA Response Rate Report

Sheconomy, Marketing To Women Quick Facts

ComScore study

Wall Street Journal article

2016 DMA Statistical Fact Book

Canada Post

DMR Report