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Compu-Mail White Paper Featured in WhatTheyThink

Here’s an excerpt of the review:

Any time I see an article or white paper on reasons to use direct mail, I check it out. I want to see how the value of direct mail is being presented and by whom. So when I saw an email from Target Marketing offering a white paper titled “10 Reasons You’d Be Crazy Not to Use Direct Mail to Drive Website Traffic,” of course, I downloaded it. It turns out, it’s a great example of what to do right. The front of the white paper features a guy in a crazy blue wig and bright green plastic glasses (clearly going after the creative community), but it’s the title that grabbed me. It stood out because it presents an often overlooked value of direct mail, which is driving traffic online. With all the focus on online and social media marketing, it’s easy to forget the need to get people to the client’s website in the first place. That is often accomplished using print. This headline is a showstopper for that very reason. It reminds us of something we forgot.

Read the full review here on the WhatTheyThink website. WhatTheyThink is the global printing industry’s leading independent media organization. WhatTheyThink offers a wide range unbiased, real-time market intelligence, peer-to-peer communication, and special reports on emerging trends, technology, and critical events affecting the commercial printing, wide format, labels, packaging, signage, speciality graphics, textiles and industrial printing.

Author’s Note – As a content writer, it’s not often that I have the opportunity to know exactly what my readers think of my work. Thank you, Heidi Tolliver-Walker for this thoughtful and thorough review of my white paper. I very much appreciate the feedback! – Allison Jensen, Marketing Coordinator.