Last month, we teamed up with our friends at Virid to put together some tips for gathering and leveraging user-generated content. We contributed this guest post, titled “Taking Online Content Offline to Personalize the Customer Experience” to their blog for their ratings and reviews platform, Revere.
Here is an excerpt:
“Content provided by direct users of your products or services are an invaluable resource for giving prospective customers an unbiased look at your product in use. People will trust this type of content over stock images, as it is less scripted and more authentic. The images users upload, the reviews they leave, and the ratings they give can be used to build your digital asset library to be applied dynamically to mail and other offline media. For current customers, you can send personalized messages featuring cross-sell and up-sell recommendations including testimonials about products that best match their interests based on their previous purchases. For prospective customers, you can use data analytics on the prospects that look most like your customers and identify which products they are most likely to be interested in, and include ratings or testimonials of these products to establish trust and authority in your brand.”
Explore the full post here on the Revere website. And while you’re there, be sure to check out all of the great resources they have to offer.