Digital and print are often considered enemies. Company websites, online news sources, social media sites, and the works provide a multitude of information at consumers’ finger tips. The need for printed comunications looks to be shrinking because of it.But savvy marketers know that it’s not print vs. digital. Direct mail works for the digital age – as an extension of online efforts. Today’s marketers are creating omnichannel marketing campaigns that seamlessly combine print and digital.
Let’s Skip to the Good Stuff … Driving Sales with Print
First you established your online medium for engaging buyers. What’s in it for you to keep print in the mix?
- 90% of people will visit website first before calling.
- 96% leave without making a purchase.
- Direct mail with digital ads yield 28% higher conversion rate.
The marriage of print and digital in your marketing campaign is integral to success in today’s media climate. Give your prospect something tangible to remind them of your brand. Give your communications a longer shelf-life by printing them. Directly expose your prospect to your message by sending it to their mailbox!
Environmental Non-concerns
The Sustainable Green Printing certification requires responsibility from printing plants. Recycled or environmentally sustainable paper is used for most of today’s print ads and direct mail pieces. Printers also make arduous efforts to use domestic paper sources and vegetable-based inks.
Stoking the Economic Fire
Big, small, and every size in between, printing plants are the most geographically dispersed manufacturing industry in America. You can find one in almost every town or city in the country!Many small and mid-sized companies rely on print media for much of their promotional needs. Printing gives these businesses a voice in their local communities.
Explore more stats here.Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2013. It has been updated for relevance, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.