In order for your marketing to be successful, you must take a critical and objective look at the vendors that are serving you. If they are not adding value to your campaign or dollars to your bottom line, it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship with them.
This is especially true of your printer or direct mail company.
Here are 10+ questions to challenge them with on your next call to find out if they are just a printer or an irreplaceable extension of your brand.
- How would you approach helping me find prospects that look just like my best customers?
- Can you help recommend which products and services I should be offering to customers to achieve the highest response?
- Do you have the ability to connect print and digital strategies in a cohesive campaign?
- What are some examples of bringing additional value or new ideas to a campaign? What extra services did you employ?
- Am I leaving money on the table? Do you see any lost revenue opportunities going unnoticed?
- How do you handle postage? Is there a markup?
- What does your quality control process look like?
- How do you keep my data secure?
- What kind of redundancy do you have built into your equipment? How do you handle downtime or when multiple campaigns are running at once?
- How can you help me grow my revenue and beat my competition?
If they cannot answer these questions in a satisfactory manner, you might want to re-consider your relationship with them and start looking for a new vendor.